New York Times


New York Times: No, wearables are not the new cigarettes

After swift backlash to the ridiculously labeled article on the health concerns of wearable technology, the New York Times is at least addressing reader concerns in a column by Public Editor Margaret Sullivan.  She notes that the original print headline  was not, in fact, the alarmist and absurd “Could Wearable Computers Be as Harmful as Cigarettes,” […]

Health IT

Cellphones, watches, apps and cancer and cigarettes!

Are wearables and smartphone apps, and the doctors who espouse potential benefits when applied to healthcare, akin to the thankfully forgone days of doctor-recommended cigarettes? Is this an absurd question and comparison? Yes. Yes it is. But Nick Bilton of the New York Times’ Style Section makes the link, although the over-arching point is that “some researchers […]

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